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Subject: Re: Graphics resolutions for video
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Joe Freeman writes:
>I had some more thoughts on your message after I repied.
>> When rendering graphics, e.g. on Photoshop, at 640x480 size in order to
>> transfer to video and do DVE's, what is the ideal resolution (dpi) to work
>> with so that you don't use anymore storage space than necessary, but do
>> not compromise on the final video output?
>When going to video forget about dpi. When you change to 752 by 480, by
>resizing or addition to the sides of a 640 by 480, you must also take into
>account video overscan. TVs don't show the entire picture area the way a
>computer monitor does. <SNIP!>
It's worse/more complicated than that:
Toaster Framestore = 752x480
PAR image size = 752x480
PVR image size = 752x480
Default AVID image = 640x480
So, who's "right"? It would seem that it is dependent on the display
technology. They all work.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but NTSC is not a pixel oriented technology.
There's been numerous expositions about why an "NTSC pixel" is better
rectangular, the way God and Amiga do them, versus square, as those
demonic, soon to be roasting in Hell Mac users have them. (But they
seem to work fine either way, and it sure is a lot easier to rotate
a sprite correctly on a Mac than on a PC/Amiga). That argument
mostly went over my po' lil' head, but I think resolution is still
up for grabs.
>I don't have direct access to photo shop on my computers but I can do
>almost anything it can do right through LW with a little thought.
ahhhh, I'm sure you mean scaling-wise, no?
>Joe Freeman the Video Junky vidjunk@yakko.cs.wmich.edu